Ne dites plus Web et hyperlien…
Étiquettes : hypertexte, intelligence collective, UGC
… mais flux de conversation et geste social
J’ai retrouvé, en me promenant, une citation datant d’il y a un peu plus d’un an de David Sifry, le fondateur et PDG de Technorati.
« On the 90’s, the Internet content came from libraries. The vocabulary is still coming from paper culture: frames, pages, documents…For me, the web is not about “pages”, it’s about people communicate to each other. We have to redefine our understanding of the web. In a “library way”, a blog is a “retro-chronological website”, for me it’s a way to see people interests over time.
The web is a conversation stream. And hyperlink it’s not a link between document, but a form of social gesture. »
Source : Think:lab, un blog sur l’apprentissage et la création.